My version of the Hornbæk vase is selected to show in the pop up shop connected to the exhibition: Picasso - a tribute to ceramics

I´m very honoured and happy to announce that my version of the Hornbæk vase / Hornbækkrukken is among four selected vases to be exhitbited in the pop up shop at Holmegaard Værk! It´s connected to the exhibition: "Picasso - a tribute to ceramics" which is opening on May the 6th. (See details here.)
The exhibition focuses exclusively on Picasso as a craftsman - he modeled and painted ceramic pieces in addition to his paintings. The tradition of inviting artists to decorate ceramics has been held alive by Galleriet Hornbæk, Denmark, for several years now. The contemporary parallel to this way of working has led Holmegaard Værk to arrange a pop up shop next to the Picasso exhibition with four selected pieces of Hornbækkrukken / The Hornbæk vase.
Below is a photo of curator Jeanette Lopez-Zepeda selecting the four vases. Artists selected are (from the left): Bardur Jakupsson, Charlotte Troldahl, Louise Egedal and Pylle Søndergård. The photo is taken in Galleriet Hornbæk who also writes about the exhibition on their site (in Danish.) See more here:
Holmegaard Værk promises an untraditional staging of Picassos works. Holmegaard Værk is part of Museum Sydøstdanmark (Museums of Southeast Denmark.) See all details here:
All photos: Pylle Søndergaard
First photo also shows work of: Asger Jorn and Cathrine Raben Davidsen.
On the last photo the vase is on show next to a vase decorated by Pylle Søndergaard.