Please note that the studio is closed until July 22nd. Works will be shipped hereafter. Please note that the studio is closed until July 22nd. Works will be shipped hereafter.

Professional photoshoot in the studio

Professional photoshoot in the studio

Whenever I need to level-up photowise, I often turn to  Kirstine Mengel who is a professional and award winning photographer.

I´ve admired her work for more than a decade, and I still remember when she shot the first photo for me - it was of a scultpture. That was back in the days when my studio was located at the harbour of Odense, so it´s probably around 12 years ago.

Since then we´ve collaborated in many ways, and I´ve always enjoyed working with her. Last year I asked if she would come to my studio and shoot some photos of me working. She accepted, and then this series of photos came out. I really think that she has captured the calm and meditative feel of the studio. Also, I really like how she´s captured my hands working. I love them! 

Photo credit: Kirstine Mengel.