Please note that the studio is closed until July 22nd. Works will be shipped hereafter. Please note that the studio is closed until July 22nd. Works will be shipped hereafter.


Exhibition in London - Tsukimi : Moon Viewing

Exhibition in London - Tsukimi : Moon Viewing

I´m very pleased to be exhibiting in the extraordinary gallery Maud and Mabel London 9th. - 18th. September.

The exhibition is...

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A studio visit video

A studio visit video
I had visitors in my studio who caught me on camera. Continue reading

Professional photoshoot in the studio

Professional photoshoot in the studio
Whenever I need to level-up photowise, I often turn to  Kirstine Mengel who is a professional and award winning photographer. Continue reading

Assens Kunstråds rejselegat

Assens Kunstråd uddeler hvert år et rejselegat til en kunstner bosiddende i Assens Kommune. I torsdags løb deres årlige arrangement af stablen; Assens Kunstråds Kunstdag, hvor rejselegatet uddeles, og der var bl.a. foredrag med kunstanmelder Trine Ross.  Continue reading